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fragrant :香英文怎么说?


“Far more than savory”

刻画饭fragrant ,该当是savory比拟符合,


1 having a pleasant taste or smell, having a spicy or salty quality without being sweet

例:They prepared an assortment of both sweet and savory foods.


a savoury smell or taste is strong and pleasant but is not sweet

例fragrant ,savoury party snacks, pancakes with sweet and savoury fillings

也即是说,滋味好,然而不甜,而是有点儿咸、,这不即是香嘛fragrant 。

韦氏辞书证明 fragrant:having a pleasant and usually sweet smellfragrant ,也即是说它更侧重于 “甘甜”,并且 fragrant 往往是指气息,常常译成“芬芳”,比方

The balsam fir is a favorite as a Christmas tree because it is so Fragrant oils and perfumes,Each little blade of grass shall be a green tree for me, each of your white petals a fragrant flower即使不是更加夸大某一类口感fragrant ,不过说“好吃”,那也不妨用sweet-smiling,appetizing, delicious附【刻画滋味的英文单词】tasty 甘旨的;delicious 滋味好的; sweet 甜的; sour 酸的; bitter 苦的; hot 辣的; salty 咸的; spiced 加香料的; fragrant 香的; seasoned 加佐料的;tasteless 枯燥的; greasy 浓重的; bland 平淡的

